Game Changer, the latest film of Tollywood Actor, Ram Charan is all set for a grand and first ever pre-release event to happen in the USA. The pre-release event is planned to take place on 21st December in Texas. Indian Enterpreneur, Rajesh Kallepalli is said to be conducting this event for the film. Large amount of NRIs are expected to attend for the event as well.
The event will also be attended by the whole cast and crew of Game Changer to take the promotional activity of the film to next level. The teaser of the film has already been released and it received a staggering 48 Million views in 2 weeks on YouTube. The team is quite ecstatic with this response and will be gearing up with further activities as well.
Game Changer is also scheduled for release on 10th January, 2025 as a Sankranthi bonanza. Director Shankar is hoping to give a comeback with the film after his previous decable Indian 2 which became his career’s worst disaster. Ram Charan is also looking to establish a big hit and come out of the Rajamouli’s curse.