Game Changer starring Ram Charan is the upcoming film of Director Shankar. Shankar has been dealing with each and every update regarding Game Changer. He is not letting out any intersting news about the film to raise the expectations. This was even expressed by the Producer of the film, Dil Raju many times in the interviews. But now, it looks like Dil Raju is taking over Game Changer.
Indian 2 Result Effect:
Shankar who unanimously oversaw everything related to Game Changer has suffered a big blow with his Indian 2 that released recently. The film bombed at the box office with a poor negative response. The film brought many trolls on Shankar and his making as well. Now, This has alerted Dil Raju. We saw him announcing the release date of Game Changer immediately after Indian 2’s release. Game Changer was announced as a Christmas release by Dil Raju.
Recently, Game Changer’s dubbing works too have commenced with Dil Raju overseeing everything there. These confirm that the film would release definitely during the Christmas season. Dil Raju wants no postponements further for the film as the budget may rise again for few scenes and post production works.
Game Changer’s release date:
The team is planning to release Game Changer on 20th December in all the major languages. This will be a very good date for Pan Indian aimed film and there are no biggie films for clash in this season.