Game Changer was announced for 20th December some time back bringing a great relief for Ram Charan fans. However, right after this, rumours cropped up claiming Game Changer is now being postponed to Sankranti. Now, Dil Raju has stated that the movie will be arriving on the 25th of December.
This new release date has the advantage of Christmas being opening day with the weekend followed by the New Year holiday. However, after New Year’s Day, the film will struggle as it will be a pre-festival period followed by Sankranti releases making it tough for Game Changer to continue its hold.
If Game Changer releases on 20th December, it will have an additional 5 days of extra run. As it is a big film, it will have a strong 1st weekend followed by weekends, Christmas, and New Year’s Day with another weekend falling in between. This release date will certainly help Game Changer immensely in having a solid first couple of weeks.
Another disadvantage of releasing on the 25th is the second day being a Thursday which is a working day. Considering all these factors, it will be ideal to release the much-awaited Ram Charan starter on 20th December.