Sunny Deol has delivered the biggest hit of his career after 40 years of his debut in the industry with Betaab. Gadar 2, the sequel to his 2001 blockbuster film Gadar, made Rs 40 crore net on its opening day i, as per the trade circles. Gadar 2 has shocked the entire trade and off to a sensational start at the box office.
Though the film was expected to gather good numbers at the box office due to the sequel craze, no one expected this rage at the box office from this blockbuster sequel. Truly, the film has set the box office on fire. In mass Centers the film opens bigger than Shah Rukh Khan’s P Pathaan which is a sensational feat. Overall the film opened with 40 Crores net on day 1.
This unexpected storm of Gadar 2 has affected OMG 2, Akshay Kumar’s film which was released in competition with Sunny Deol starrer. Despite positive reviews, OMG I has just collected around 10 Crores net on opening day.
Directed by Anil Sharma, Gadar 2 stars Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel who continue in their roles from the first part, while Utkarsh Sharma Simrat Kaur and Manish Wadhwa are the new additions to the cast.