Sunny Deol, the senior Bollywood actor, has surprised everyone with the result of his latest film, Gadar 2, released on August 11th. Although the Bollywood industry had expected the film to receive good collections, it was not expected to reach the 500-net club. The film set some fantastic records on the single screens of Hindi belt due to the mass elements, and songs in the film, along with the sequel factor.
Gadar 2 performed good on this weekend and collected 2.7Cr+ net, which takes the total to 520Cr. Now, Gadar 2 comes very closer to all time blockbuster Pathaan’s [525Cr] number.
The net collection of Gadar 2 in India is around 520 crore as of now. Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan, the previous industry hit, is the current all-time record grosser of Bollywood with 525 crore net. Jawan, SRK’s new film, has been released on numerous screens and has received unanimous positive reviews. So the trade thought that Gadar 2 won’t be able to break Pathaan’s records. We can get the clarity by the next weekend to see whether it will become the ATBB or not.
Gadar 2 is a sequel to the popular movie Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, which was released in 2001 and produced by ZEE Studios. In the movie, Sunny Deol played the role of truck driver Tara Singh, while Ameesha Patel reprised the role of Sakeena from the first part, which is based on the 1947 Indian Partition backdrop. In Gadar 2, Tara Singh crosses the border in a risky effort to rescue his son, Utkarsh Sharma, who is being held captive in Pakistan.