Gabbar Singh starring Pawan Kalyan was one of the blockbuster hits in the Actor’s career. The film’s re-release has now been planned on the Actor’s Birthday on September 2nd. As expected, the re-release strategy is working very big. Bookings have opened and getting sold at a rapid pace. Many shows have already sold out indicating that Gabbar Singh is off to a great start at the box office.
The team did a best move by screening the premieres on Sunday night as well. This became a good advantage for the film. Sunday and Monday night shows from the advance bookings look solid in all the territories. The film is expected to break Murari re-release opening and will become an interesting race ahead. Pawan Kalyan’s all re-release films have worked big with Jalsa, Thammudu and Kushi.
Gudumba Shankar was the only film to fail last year. Since the film was already a flop when it release audience didn’t show any interest in coming to the theatres. But now Gabbar Singh re-release is set for a massive opening all over on the opening day. We have to see if the film breaks Murari’s full run record. Let’s wait and see what happens.