Vishwak Sen’s Gaami is now getting ready for its OTT release. The film created good hype before its release and registered solid openings on Day 1. Gaami was released in theatres with good reviews and worked well on weekends. But, after the weekend it crashes at the box office. Somehow audience word of mouth is different from media reviews which affected the film.
But with a good opening weekend, the movie emerges as a decent success at the Box office. There is a huge anticipation for this film OTT streaming. The movie is said to be streaming on Zee 5 from 12th April.
The box office success of Gaami came as a huge relief for trade circles as Tollywood was suffering from a dry run since Sankranti. After the Sankranti releases, all films failed to take a decent start and failed at the box-office.
Directed by Vidyadhar Kagita who has also written its screenplay alongside Pratyush Vatyam, Gaami has become Tollywood’s hot topic due to its extraordinary visuals and great production values.