Gaami has created a terrific buzz with the trailer. The extraordinary visuals in the trailer and intriguing concept managed to create a massive impact on the audience resulting in extraordinary advance bookings for the film. This is quite good news for Tollywood which is suffering from a dry run. After the Sankranti releases, all films failed to take a decent start and failed at the box-office. However, looking at the present trends, Gaami is going to be quite different and the movie is all set to take a massive opening.
In the USA, the premier’s advance bookings are already in the range of $70K, and $150K premiers are expected. If word of mouth is positive day 1 will have a massive jump in collections. In Hyderabad and other cities, the advance bookings are very good. The film is expected to take a solid start even in mass centers.
Now all eyes are on the first-day talk and people’s verdict. If the film opens with positive word of mouth, then we will witness a massive jump with each show. Gaami’s worldwide theatrical is valued at 12Cr and a breakeven is expected by the weekend itself depending on talk. The movie was censored with an A certificate and the runtime is 148 minutes.
Directed by Vidyadhar Kagita who has also written its screenplay alongside Pratyush Vatyam, Gaami has become Tollywood’s hot topic due to its extraordinary visuals and great production values.