With the release of Gaami trailer, Vishwak Sen has stunned everyone. Directed by Vidyadhar Kagita who has also written its screenplay alongside Pratyush Vatyam, Gaami has become Tollywood’s hot topic due to its extraordinary visuals and great production values.
The shooting of Gaami started some 6-7 years ago and finally, the movie is set for release on 8th March. The team stunned the audience with the trailer where the visuals, CG work, and the plot concept created huge anticipation. Vishwak Sen who is playing an Aghora in the film pointed out some interesting aspects about the movie during its promotional event.
“Gaami’s screenplay will be on the level of Dunkirk. The audience is going to get the experience and satisfaction of watching a Christopher Nolan film after they watch Gaami,” he said.
He further added that Tollywood has not witnessed a film like Gaami so far and it will give them an experience like never before. Emotions are the biggest commercial asset of the movie and it is a movie with a global appeal and will give the viewers great cinematic memory.
Interestingly, Vishwak Sen has not taken any remuneration for the film so far. The film is a great cinematic experience and he didn’t want to burden the makers who have worked extremely hard over the last 6-7 years to make this film a reality. The film was initially started as a crowd-funded movie and later Karthik Sabareesh took the film to production under Karthik Kult Kreations