The Alluri Seetarama Raju Yuvajana Sangham has filed a PIL against SS Rajamouli and RRR makers for distorting the history. The group alleges that the ace director is trying to tarnish the image of the great revolutionary.
Alluri Yuvajana Sangham president Padala Veerabhadra Rao alleged that Rajamouli has changed history as per his convenience. “Alluri Seetarama Raju and Komaram Bheem never met. He fought against Britishers by leading the tribals while Komaram Bheem took on the Nizam rulers for the tribal populace.”
He further said Alluri never worked as a police officer under Britishers. But the movie shows he was a police officer before becoming revolutionary. “Director Rajamouli degraded the revolutionary fighter’s image by filming a dance
performance in front of British women. My father researched Alluri’s freedom struggle and later I continued it. We found many facts about Alluri and we have recorded evidence. However, the movie ‘RRR’ is tarnishing the image of Telugu people and Alluri.”
Interestingly, Rajamouli has already mentioned this fact a number of times that this film is a work of fiction and not a record of actual events. “The story was woven from a thought on how the events would transpire of Alluri Seetarama Raju and Komaram Bheem ever met,”.
Already a similar PIL has been filed from the community and descendants of Komaram Bheem as well.