Several films have announced plans to release their films in December after the Election Commission of India announced the Telangana Election schedule. On December 7th, Nani’s Hi Nanna will be released on the screens. The official announcement will be made soon in this regard. Mega Prince Varun Tej’s pan-Indian movie Operation Valentine has been scheduled for December 8th and the team will continue with their release plans.
Nithin’s Extra Ordinary Man is also gearing up for a December 8th release. Nani, Varun Tej, and Nithin are set to compete in their first clash. Another film in this clash is Vishwak Sen’s Gangs of Godavari, which was announced long back for December 8th release, but there are reports that the film has been rescheduled for February 2024 release.
However, this clash looks unnecessary as there are no holidays and also the period of post Diwali to before Christmas is said to be a very dry period for Telugu Cinema and releasing four films at such a period will definitely affect the films a lot and films with mixed / bad word of mouth will be affected terribly and they cannot even sustain in competition. We need to see what will be the final decision of the makers on the release of the films.
Nani’s Hi Nanna is a film that is made as an emotional drama, while Varun Tej’s Operation Valentine is an action-packed film, and Nithin’s Extraordinary Man is a film that is catered to the mass audience.