Bigg Boss Telugu has a grand finale week elimination for the first time. It is widely known that the seventh season of Bigg Boss Telugu was successful. The management of Bigg Boss has entertained the viewers with new themes and games this season, which is why the response to Bigg Boss Telugu 7 has been sensational. Now, for the first time, Bigg Boss Telugu will have a grand finale week elimination.
Finale week elimination in Bigg Boss Telugu
In all the previous seasons of Bigg Boss, only five contestants had entered the finale week and were also present on the finale day. But this time, in Bigg Boss Telugu 7, 6 contestants have entered the finale week, and for the first time, an elimination will happen in a finale week in Bigg Boss.
The elimination is said to be happening on Wednesday. The danger zone contestants in this elimination are Arjun Ambati, Priyanka Jain, and Prince Yawar. We need to see who will miss the chance to be in Top 5.
December 17 – Bigg Boss Finale Episode
The other five contestants will go to the finale day like the previous seasons. The finale episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 will be telecasted this Sunday, December 17th.