Natural Star Nani recently announced his latest production venture Meet Cute under the Wall Poster Cinemas banner. Nani’s sister Deepthi Ganta will be directing this film and marking her debut. This will be the production house’s fourth film after Awe, HIT and HIT:2.
Now, according to latest buzz five actresses will be a part of this film. Kajal Aggarwal, Adah Sharma, Nivetha Thomas and Ruhani Sharma will be featuring in the film. An official announcement regarding the inclusion of the actresses is awaited.
Wall Poster Cinema recently released a couple of stills from the sets. The photos featured actor Sathyaraj along with Nani who’s holding a clapboard. Nani, meanwhile will be next seen in Tuck Jagadish and is currently also shooting for Shyam Singha Roy.