Vijay Devarakonda and Samantha’s new film got a title. The team announced the title and release date today. They both are coming with a romantic entertainer under Majili’s fame Shiva Nirvana. The director has Ninnu Kori and Tuck Jagdish in his pouch along with Majili. With Ninnu Kori and Majili the director proved his mettle in dealing emotional love stories. So for his next he chose the most happening lead pair.
Samantha and Vijay Deverakonda’s feautured in Mahanati for a limited screen time. Now they are paired up for a crazy love story, the first look poster suggests. The film has been titled ‘Kushi’. The first look motion poster looks interesting. It sports Vijay in a Kashmiri attire and Samantha in a saree. The poster adds more excitement with the line “Most complicated knot”. Kushi is going to release in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam on 23rd December,2022.