First Day First Show directed by Lakshmi Narayana and Vamsidhar Goud is all set to release on OTT platform. The film was released on September 2nd to poor reviews and deficits from the initial weekend itself. Anudeep KV, who earlier directed Jathiratnalu is the writer of the film. This created some hype for the film which it failed to live up to.
The film’s crew did widespread promotions for the film. These promotions involved light-hearted interviews with Allu Aravind and Vennela Kishore. But, despite the huge buzz, the film turned out to be disappointing and did not impress the critics or the audience.
The film can be streamed on an OTT platform Aha. The same was announced by the streaming platform a while ago. The OTT release date is fixed to be September 23.
First Day First Show stars Srikanth Reddy, Vamshidar Goud, Vennela Kishore, Tanikella Bharani, and a bunch of others. Lakshminarayana and Vamshidar Goud are the directors of the film and Radhan is the music director.