Aamir Khan, who is fondly called as Mr. perfectionist by his fans, was last seen in the movie Lal Singh Chaddha. The star actor devoted four years of his hard work to the film, which was a remake of Forrest Gump. Sadly, the movie failed to perform well at the box office and turned out to be a. big disaster. Now after one and half years after LSC, it is said that Aamir Khan has signed his next film.
After the failure of Lal Singh Chaddha, Aamir took a short break from acting. In an interview, Aamir stated that he wanted to spend time with his family. The latest we hear is that Aamir is eyeing a comeback with the film that will be made under his home banner, Aamir Khan Productions. The director of the film is said to be Rajkumar Santoshi and it is also being reported that it will be a two film deal between both of them.
December 20, 2024, marks the grand release of this movie. The untitled film is in the pre-production stage and will start in January 2024. Aamir once again chose the festive period of the Christmas season, as he scored all-time industry hits like Dangal, PK, 3 Idiots, and Ghajini during the same season.
Aamir Khan will face Akshay Kumar’s Welcome 3 at the boxoffice at Christmas 2024. It should be noted that his previous film Lal Singh Chaddha and Akshay’s Raksha Bandhan clashed last year. Aamir’s return to form would be a great moment for the Bollywood audiences across the world.