Today marks the first year anniversay of the release of Jawan starring Shah Rukh Khan. The film became a big blockbuster at the box office by grossing more than 1000 crores. South Indian Actress, Nayanthara has made her official debut with the film playing the female lead. Today, Filmfare put out a post on X/Twitter about the anniversary of Jawan and mistakenly mentioned Deepika Padukone as the female lead. This way, Filmfare has insulted Nayanthara.
Deepika Padukone played an extended cameo appearance in the film. But Nayanthara played the actual female lead role. But Filmfare forgot mentioning Nayanthara in the post and highlighted only Deepika Padukone. This has not gone well with the netizens who are trolling the handle for not recognising the actual female lead. The tweet also mentioned Jawan as Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer which misses the logic.
This is unfortunate and not at all expected from a reputed award giving board. The handle must change the post as soon as possible or else the trolling may reach next level. It has to be seen if Nayanthara would actually react to this or doesn’t care. But Jawan will be a very special film for Nayanthara.