The Telugu Film Industry will plan a Grand Event to Honor Chiranjeevi. It is widely known that Megastar Chiranjeevi was awarded with the second-highest civilian award, Padma Vibhushan by the Central Government of India. Producer Dil Raju stated that he and all the industry people are proud of Chiranjeevi and soon an event will be organized to Honor him.
Many famous personalities from Andhra Pradesh have been included in the prestigious Padma Awards announced by the central government on the occasion of Republic Day. Megastar Chiranjeevi and former Vice President Venkaiah Naidu were selected for the Padma Vibhushan award. Vyjayanthimala Bali, Bindeshwar Pathak and Padma Subrahmanyam are on the same list.
Chiranjeevi received wishes from one and all
Many film and political personalities have congratulated Chiranjeevi for being selected for the Padma Vibhushan award. They went to his residence and conveyed the best wishes. Chiranjeevi’s residence was crowded with the arrival of film actors, directors, producers, and many technicians.
Among those who met Chiranjeevi and conveyed their best wishes were Vishwambhara director Mallidi Vashishta, Maruthi, Chota K Naidu, Mayukh Adithya and Nimmagadda Srikanth. Cinematography Minister Komati Reddy VenkatReddy also congratulated Chiranjeevi. He was accompanied by star producer Dil Raju and Raja Ravindra.
Dil Raju praises Chiranjeevi
Producer Dil Raju stated that from a common man Shiva Shankara Vara Prasad to becoming the Megastar and receiving honorary awards like Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan Chiranjeevi has come a long way and created history. Dil Raju said that the Telugu Film Industry will Plan a Grand Event to Honor Chiranjeevi and he will inform the details of it once he discusses with everyone involved.