Megastar Chiranjeevi is busy with back-to-back movies. After the massive success of Waltair Veerayya this year, he immediately moved on to Meher Ramesh’s Bhola Shankar, a remake of the Tamil film Vedalam starring Ajith. And now, there are reports of him confirming another remake.
The Megastar has given the green signal to the Telugu remake of the Malayalam comedy-drama Bro Daddy. The film featured Mohanlal, Meena, Prithviraj, and Kalyani Priyadarshan. Chiru will be playing Mohanlal’s role in this Telugu remake.
This latest update has not been met with excitement from the fans. Fans feel that Chiranjeevi is only interested in money over movie selection and that he is not taking any big-budget films or any great content films. Remakes have become a common tactic for the Megastar. Last year he was seen in Godfather which was a remake of Mohanlal’s Lucifer. And now with Vedalam and Bro Daddy remake, he is continuing on the same path much to the fan’s frustration.
Fans are now comparing Chiranjeevi’s safe tactics to the film selection of Legends in other industries. Mohanlal, Kamal Haasan, and Mammootty are taking risks and delivering great content even in this age. While even some of their films fail, they manage to satisfy the audience with some great performances throughout. Fans believed that in his quest for commercial success, Chiru is not showcasing his true range as an actor and excellent performer that he is.