Actor Rajinikanth had a meeting with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at his residence in Lucknow. The actor made his way to the city on Friday night for the screening of his film ‘Jailer’, which was attended by UP Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya. However, his fans and entire Tamil people are not happy with his act during the meet with Yogi Adityanath.
In a video, Rajinikanth was seen touching the feet of Yogi Adityanath in his house in Lucknow. This was not at all well received by his fans and the Tamil public. Many of the people felt that it was not at all needed for a star like him to touch the feet just of a politician, just because he is a state’s chief minister. Some even stated that if Rajini had entered politics, then he could not have achieved success with this kind of attitude.
Earlier, Rajinikanth shared his excitement about the positive response his movie is receiving from the audience and its success. He stated it’s all the blessings of God.
A while ago, Rajinikanth was in Ranchi, Jharkhand. He also visited the well-known Chhinnamasta temple in the state on Friday and offered prayers. He spent about an hour meditating at the Yagoda Ashram at Ranchi. That was followed by his meeting with Jharkhand Governor C P Radhakrishnan in Raj Bhavan.