Vijay Deverakonda’s Family Star is all set to release on 5th April and the unit has started their aggressive promotions. This is the second film in the Parasuram and Vijay Deverakonda combination after Geetha Govindam. This time they are joined by Mrunal Thakur who is having a great time at the Tollywood box office thanks to her hits in the form of Sita Ramam and Hi Nanna. So naturally there are heavy expectations on this project. Unfortunately, the songs released so far haven’t managed to live up to the fan’s expectations.
Geetha Govindam’s audio is one of the main reasons for the film’s massive success and record box office numbers. Inkem Inkem Kavale song was one of the highest trending songs of Telugu cinema.
With Parasuram and Vijay Deverakonda joining hands for Family Star, none of the songs have managed to reach that level. Three songs have been released only the first song Nandanandanan worked decently. The other songs Kalyani Vaccha Vaccha and Madhuramu Kadha have not managed to impress the audience.
Kalyani Vachha Vaccha received several trolls and many claimed this song by Gopi Sunder is a mash-up of several Tollywood hit numbers. The third song which was released recently is the weakest song of these three. The songs are the main reason for the film’s low buzz unless and now all depends on the trailer.
One major plus point for the film is the release date which falls in the summer season and continuous festival holidays like Ugadi and Eid following the release. However, a positive buzz about the movie is much needed for Family Star to receive solid collections. In the absence of positive buzz and a good trailer, everything will now depend on the positive reviews and word of mouth.