Family Star starring Vijay Deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur is heading towards a disaster. The film opened with poor numbers on the opening day itself with just 6 crore+ gross worldwide. This is with GST included in Nizam and AP. This is a shocking number considering the budget. The team and makers felt the film may recover on the second day. But what they experienced is no less than a shocker.
Family Star witnessed a big crash on Day 2 with the share to be around 2 crores worldwide. This is a complete washout scenario. Today’s advance bookings too are disastrous. The film has collected around 8.5 crores share worldwide. This is Vijay Deverakonda’s least number compared to earlier films which had a great opening as well. The breakeven of the film stands at 45 crores worldwide. Recovering 1/3rd of the business done feels very tough now for the film. This is an outright disaster situation for Family Star which carried great hype before the release.
Producer Dil Raju has already started doing something to save his film but these won’t help. The film’s word of mouth and reviews are not at all good and this further caused great damage. The film might get washed out after Sunday.