For the last few days, the news of Game Changer’s digital rights acquisition by Zee Studios for a whopping 270Cr has spread like wildfire. However, there is little substance in these reports. During the initial stages of filming, Dil Raju made a deal with Zee Studios which amounted to Rs350Cr. This deal included all the rights to the film and came with some terms and conditions.
Dil Raju, back then believed that since this film was a political and content-based one, the team would wrap up the budget under Rs 300Cr. He planned of making big table profits and expected some overflows of theatrical also to be added to his profits. These plans didn’t last long as there was buzz that the deal was changed a bit and terms were changed.
The producer is in a tricky situation with constant delays and rising costs of film production due to these delays. Now the question arises that Zee is already a part of the Game Changer film how can they buy the film’s OTT rights for 270Cr if a deal was already made long back of OTT + Satellite rights. There is no truth at ALL about the film’s digital rights fetching this massive amount.