Covid has forced another Tollywood movie to push its release to a later date. After Acharya, Love story, Tuck Jagadish & Viraata Parvam, now it’s the turn of Anil Ravipudi’s F3. The movie was scheduled for a release on August 27, however, with Covid playing a spoilsport, the makers felt its best to push it to a later date. The movie will now be releasing in Sankranti 2022. This movie now joins Mahesh Babu’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata and Pawan Kalyan’s Hari Hara Veera Mallu for Sankranti release
F3 is a sequel to the 2019 superhit F2 which starred Venkatesh, Tamannah, Varun Tej and Mehreen Pirzada in lead roles. The comedy-drama was a huge success leading to the makers immediately announcing a sequel.
Recently director Venkatesh had posted the pictures of resumption of a new schedule of shoot. However, within days the whole scenario has now changed. Anil Ravipudi also tested Covid positive on the sets of the movie leading to the cancellation of the shoot temporarily.