Anil Ravipudi’s directorial F3 starring Venkatesh and Varun tej did a decent pre-release business. F3 is the sequel of the 2019 Sankranti blockbuster F2: Fun and Frustration. The film’s recently released trailer had a mixed reception among the audience. After a couple of postponements due to covid film is finally hitting the big screens on 27th May.
F3 will have premiers In the USA on 26th May. The film has done a pre-release business of 66.15 crores worldwide. Although pre-bookings are not encouraging, a decent talk should be enough to pull the family audiences to the theatres. Here are the F3 movie worldwide pre-release business area-wise details:
F3 Movie Worldwide Pre Release Business
AREA | Pre Business |
Nizam | 20 Cr |
Ceded | 8.5 Cr |
Uttarandhra | 7.5 Cr |
Guntur | 4.5 Cr |
East Godavari | 4.6 Cr |
West Godavari | 3.8 Cr |
Krishna | 4 Cr |
Nellore | 2.25 Cr |
AP/TS | 55.15 Cr |
ROI | 4 Cr |
Overseas | 7 Cr |
Worldwide | 66.15 Cr |
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