Suriya and director Bala were supposed to reconcile after a long gap with Vanangaan. The project was disclosed last year in October, and the unit also shot a few parts. The producers significantly dropped its first look previous this year on Suriya’s birthday in July.
Previously, there were many rumors that Suriya has left this project but the team denied those rumors. However, Bala has today come out with an explanation updating that Suriya will no more be a part of the film.
Bala has written, “I wanted to direct Vanangaan with my younger borther, Suriya. However, after a few changes in the story, I wasn’t sure if the project was suitable for someone like him.” He also added, “Suriya had complete trust in me, but it was my duty, as an elder brother, to not put him in such a tricky situation. So, both Suriya and I have decided that it is in the best interests of everyone involved that he should opt out of the project. In fact, Suriya was very upset about this decision, but this is done for the greater good of my brother.”
Bala also affirmed that he will rejoin with Suriya in the future. “The Suriya that I saw in Nandha; the Suriya that you saw in Pithamagan, we both will get together something similar at the right time, for sure.”
The National-award filmmaker ended the statement by clearing up that Vanangaan will move forward as designed except for the omission of Suriya.
Vanangaan was announced with Suriya’s 2D Entertainment as the production banner. It now remains to be noticed if the star will still be part of the film as the producer or not.