It’s raining superhero films in India. Beginning with Hrithik Roshan’s Krish series to the most recent flick, HanuMan, superhero films have been fairly successful at the box office across languages. Following the massive success of Prashanth Varma’s HanuMan, a series of superhero films in the same universe, including a direct sequel titled ‘Jai HanuMan’, has been officially announced.
Here’s the exclusive info that’ll leave you asking for more: Ranveer Singh has been signed in to play the iconic superhero ‘Shaktimaan’. Bankrolled by Sony Pictures on a lavish budget of 1000 crore INR, it’ll be made not as a solo project but as a trilogy of films in the vein of Christopher Nolan’s Batman series.
Basil Joseph, who received widespread critical acclaim for directing the desi superhero flick Minnal Murali (2021), has been roped in to helm this mega-budget franchise. An official announcement with details of the additional cast and crew will be made very soon. Currently in pre-production, the makers are planning to kickstart filming in 2025.