The makers of Nikhil Siddhartha’s next film announced the lead cast recently. Tamil actress Iswarya Menon will be making her Tollywood debut with the film. The film is a spy thriller and the actress is excited and raring to go on sets for the film.
“I’m glad that the entire team wanted me to come on board. The fact that the film is a spy action thriller, a genre that I haven’t worked on earlier, makes it even more exciting,” said Iswarya.
The actress had earlier appeared in a small cameo role in Siddharth’s Love Failure back in 2013. She has been working since in the Tamil and Malayalam industries. Iswarya also has a considerable following on social media with 2.5 million followers on Instagram. This will be the official debut as a lead actress.
“I’m optimistic that Telugu audiences will welcome me. I don’t have any set plans and just want to go with the flow for now. The language is new to me, but I am excited to learn it,” she added.