Puneeth Rajkumar’s sudden demise shocked not just his fans in Karnatak, but movie lovers across all industries. The reverence and adulation that Puneeth received from the people of Karnataka was a stuff of legends. ‘Appu’s’ elder brother and Kannada star Shivarajkumar has been one of the most deeply affected people due to this sudden demise.
Incidentally, it is the elder brother who dubbed for his younger brother in the latter’s last film ‘James’.
“I tried to dub for a few scenes, but it is emotionally hard for me to watch him while doing so. I am trying to dub for him, but I need to see how it will turn out and whether people will accept it,” said an emotional ‘Shivanna’.
One of the most loved actors, Puneeth Rajkumar was a popular name across the industries and shared a great rapport with all top stars. His death shocked the entire state, with industry colleagues and fans taking a long time to come to terms with the fact.
As a mark of respect towards Puneeth, Karnataka film distributors have decided to not release any movie state-wide from March 17th to March 23rd. All theatres in the state would only screen ‘James’ for the week. The film also stars Shivarajkumar in a cameo.