This week, the eliminated contestant in Bigg Boss 7 Telugu has shocked the show’s viewers. Everyone had expected that Shobha Shetty would be eliminated, but as per the inside reports, Gautam Krishna had been eliminated. The latest reports suggest that it is confirmed, and the shoot for the episode also has been done for this episode.
It means Shobha Shetty is safe again. The audience will likely feel this is an unfair elimination as this has happened many times only for Shobha, and the public feels Bigg Boss’s team wants Shobha to be in the finale week at any cost.
Bigg Boss Telugu 7 is getting exciting day by day. The show was launched on September 3. It has been entertaining for the past 13 weeks. Nagarjuna has also done an excellent job as a host, except for a few episodes. However, there has been an unexpected elimination this week, as mentioned above. The name of the eliminated contestant in Bigg Boss 7 Telugu this week will be a shocking twist.
There are currently eight contestants in the house. Shivaji, Prince Yawar, Prashanth, Amardeep Chaudhary, Gautam Krishna, Shobha Shetty, Arjun Ambati and Priyanka Jain. However, except for Amardeep, all the other contestants are in the nominations.
Bigg Boss has been protecting Shobha Shetty for the past few weeks. It looks like the management has saved her this week, too. Reportedly, Gautam Krishna got eliminated this week in a way no one expected. All his fans are shocked by this. The elimination of Gautham Krishna will be telecasted in the Sunday episode.