As we all know, actor-politician Pawan Kalyan will be next seen in a cop drama film titled ‘Ustaad Bhagat Singh’; directed by Harish Shankar, it stars Sreeleela as the female lead. As a part of promotions, the makers unveiled a teaser called ‘Bhagat’s Blaze’ yesterday, which sparked controversy since it looks more like a political advertisement than a film’s promotional content.
While there’s no ban on political advertisements, one has to get permission and undergo a pre-certification process before using them in digital or print media. Mythri Movie Makers, the company that’s bankrolling the film, hasn’t taken any permission from the Election Commission of India before unveiling the teaser.
Mukesh Kumar, the chief electorate officer of Andhra Pradesh, has responded to this issue during a media interaction. He began by saying that he hasn’t viewed the content, and if the claims (that it is a political advertisement) are true, they are going to send legal notices to the filmmakers and Janasena Party.