A week ago, the Sankranti lineup had 5 Tollywood movies in the form of Guntur Kaaram, Hanuman, Naa Saami Ranga, Saindhav and Eagle. After multiple deliberations and in the interest of all movies getting a good number of theatres, Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja’s Eagle was pushed to February 9th release.
Speaking about the postponement, Eagle’s producer stated that,”Releasing five films for Sankranthi will affect us and everyone. Three films getting released for Sankranthi is fine; even four films are okay, but five films getting released at a time will affect everyone, and no other movie has a chance to be postponed.”
When Eagle was postponed to February, they hoped for a solo release, but that’s not the case anymore. Eagle will have a direct competition with 3 movies. ‘Yatra 2′ is releasing on 8th February while Sundeep Kishan’s ‘Ooru Peru Bairavakona‘ is releasing on 9th February. And now, one more film has joined this list- Lal Salaam which will have Rajinikanth’s special cameo.
The makers of Lal Salaam announced the update a while back. Aishwarya Rajinikanth directs the film and it will star Vishnu Vishal, Vikranth in key roles while AR Rahman has composed its music.