Dunki vs Salaar box office collection estimates are out. It is widely known that Bollywood King Khan Shah Rukh Khan and Rebel Star Prabhas have released their films in competition. Both films have completed the 1st weekend at the box office now. Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki had a four day weekend as it was released on Thursday. For the 1st weekend, Dunki has estimates around 210Cr Gross worldwide and Prabhas’s Salaar has estimated to collect around 315Cr worldwide. Dunki vs Salaar box office collection estimates are out.
Definitely we cannot compare both films’ numbers to declare one as the winner because Salaar is a proper pan India film and Dunki is a proper Hindi film. So there is no clash between Dunki and Salaar in other languages. Dunki vs Salaar box office collection estimates are out.
The clash between Salaar and Dunki is only in Hindi. In Hindi, Dunki collected 210Cr Gross worldwide and Salaar Hindi version has collected around 70Cr Gross worldwide. Dunki has collected 3 times bigger than Salaar, even this does not mean Dunki is a box office winner as the numbers are not such big.
According to the trade point of view, both the films have underperformed at the box office for the first weekend and there is no winner at this time. We must wait to see how both the movies will trend over the coming days to decide the actual winner. If both movies do not take the momentum on weekdays then both films will end as failures, so there will be no winner will be in this much anticipated clash.