Officially titled ‘Dune: Part Two’, this is an epic sci-fi film starring Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya in lead roles. A sequel to Dune: Part One, it is an official adaptation of Frank Herbert’s novel of the same name.
Releasing in March 2024, it received critical acclaim from audiences with particular praise for the performances, technical prowess, screenplay, and direction. Expectedly, it went on to become a blockbuster with a cumulative gross of $ 710 million worldwide.
It’s been a couple of months since Dune-2 has been available for streaming on Prime Video, but on a renatal basis. Finally, it is arriving at Jio Cinema for free streaming (with a premium subscription) on 1st August, 2024. Hans Zimmer has composed the score for this film, while Denis Villeneuve has directed it.