Double Ismart, latest outing of Ram Pothineni and Puri Jagannadh is set for release this August 15th. The film’s post production work has been completed and censor formalities are also done. But Double Ismart has some release issues in Nizam region. The exhibitors are demanding a compensation for the losses caused by Liger.
Puri Jagannadh’s earlier film, Liger witnessed big losses for which the exhibitors are expecting a compensation. Liger was projected as a Pan Indian film starring Vijay Deverakonda. Theatrical rights were also sold for heavy prices but Liger suffered a big debacle. But Puri is not ready to agree for this and distributors are showing less interest in Double Ismart to take rights. It’s just barely a week for the film’s release. The team must sort these issues out for a swift release. There are also rumours about the film’s postponement if these issues remain.
But the team is confident of the release and going ahead with the release plan of August 15th. Double Ismart is also set for a clash at the box office with Mr. Bachchan which is also releasing on the same date. Mr. Bachchan is an official remake of Bollywood hit film, Raid starring Ajay Devgan.