Double Ismart, the latest outing of Actor Ram and Director Puri Jagannadh is set for release on August 15th. The trailer of the film has already been released recently and it received good response from the audience. The team even sent the film for the censor certification. Double Ismart Censor report details are as follows:
Double Ismart has been censored with a A certificate and the film’s runtime is also fixed at 162 Minutes i.e., 2 hours and 42 minutes which is a crisp one. The report for the film is also said to be positive. Interval and climax portions worked big as per reports. Puri’s mass commercial direction, Ram’s performance and Mani Sharma’s music are said to be the major highlights.
Crucial film for both Ram and Puri Jagannadh:
Double Ismart is a crucial film for both Ram and Director Puri Jagannadh. The duo have faced bitter failures with their previous outings, Skanda and Liger respectively. Both ended up as duds and put the duo in trouble. Puri Jagannadh has scored a blockbuster when he experienced the same situation. And now, Double Ismart may also give him the much needed relief to bounce back. So, let’s wait and see what happens on August 15th.