Vimal Krishna created sensation with DJ Tillu. Released in February, DJ Tillu became the first successful Telugu film 2022. Director Vimal worked as a co writer along with the hero Sidhu Jonnalagadda for DJ Tillu. Vimal and Sidhu are known to be friends even before working on the film.
Hero Siddhu Jonnalagadda is doing a role in the Telugu remake of Hindi Queen. He is currently enjoying the success of DJ Tillu. He created his own mark in the industry and will definitely rope in big projects soon. Meanwhile the director is also planning to go big.
Latest info is that the director Vimal Krishna is planning to do a movie with Akkineni hero. Seems like Vimal has narrated the plot to Naga Chaitanya and impressed him. The upcoming young director is currently working on full script. Let’s wait for the official announcement.