Everyone who is aware of the Telugu film industry’s proceedings and the changes in its market and other issues knows about the ticket rates problem which the industry has faced during for almost a year from 2021 to 2022 summer. The difficulty sorted on the release day of Pawan Kalyan’s Vakeel Saab, and it was sorted out at the release time of Prabhas’s Radhe Shyam.
The government of Andhra Pradesh had put a decent and affordable ticket prices for the audience. From then, almost all the films followed the new GO prices and if anyone wanted a hike in their prices would have asked the government for the hike through an official process presenting some documents which have to contain certain details about the film’s budget etc.
However, a few theater owners/distributors in Andhra Pradesh are ignoring the government’s set ticket prices and charging more than twice as much in the recent days it seems.
It is unclear why the government is not stopping this, and even the online booking platforms are also allowing the distributors to do this rate fudging officially. The prices are putting a burden on the audiences.