Director Venky Atluri got married today in a grand ceremony in Hyderabad. Keerthy Suresh, Nithin, his wife Shalini, Venky Kudumula and many celebrities attended the marriage. His marriage pictures are viral on the internet now. His engagement happened a couple of months ago. On the professional side, Venky Atluri’s next film is Sir, starring Dhanush in the lead role, which will release on 17th of February worldwide.
Hero Nithin who worked with Venky for Rangde (2021), took his Twitter account to wish the young director.” Congratulations Venky Swamy for the new chapter unlocked in your life!! Wishing you and Pooja a beautiful life ahead” read his tweet.
Venky Atluri, who rose to fame with the hit film “Tholi Prema” starring Varun Tej and Raashi Khanna made a good name for making romantic family entertainers with pleasant music.
Venky secretly got engaged in a grand ceremony in the presence of very few people in December last year. Their engagement took place in the presence of family members and several film celebrities. Director Nag Ashwin and his wife Swapna Dutt attended their engagement. The engagement pics of Venky went viral on social media then.