Actress Neha Shetty’s name has been doing the rounds in Tollywood for the past few days. She was introduced to the Telugu screen with Puri Jagannath’s Mehbooba. Although the film did not achieve the desired result, it gave her a series of opportunities. However, if there is any film that has changed Neha Shetty’s career, it should be said that it is DJ Tillu. Neha Shetty rose to stardom with this film.
Recently, she also had received good success with Bedurulanka 2012. Moreover, with her upcoming film, Rules Ranjan she became even more famous with the song called Sammohanuda. The shooting of her another film, Gangs of Godavari is currently underway. Rules Ranjann is ready to be released on October 6th.
Kiran Abbavaram is playing the lead role in the film, which is being directed by Rathinam Krishna. The trailer and songs released from the film have already impressed the audience. As the release date is nearing, the team has started the promotions and has been busy giving a series of interviews. In the latest interview, Director Rathinam Krishna revealed that he had a fight with heroine Neha Shetty.
The director revealed the Neha Shetty, and he didn’t talk for three months after the song shoot of Sammohanuda. The entire shooting of the song was completed. Finally, they had to take a shot in the swimming pool. If it were done, the film would have been completed. The temperature of Water was as high as 5 degrees. So there was an argument between Rathinam Krishna and Neha Shetty.
As Neha was unable to stand in the Swimming Pool for more than 30 minutes, she was not saying okay to the shoot. But the director told her to wait for five more minutes. But Neha came out of the Pool, she got into a fight with her. He felt that if Neha had been for a little more time, he could have finished the required shots.
Because of this issue, Rathinam Krishna had not spoken to Neha Shetty for three months. After that while editing, when the director looked at that water shot, he felt that no one can take a shot like this. So he called and spoke to Neha. Neha also said that she cried after the shot.
Fans who heard these comments are wondering that their favorite heroine had to go through such torture during the shoot. However, such sufferings and difficulties are inevitable for any heroine. Neha Shetty’s hard work paid off as the song, Sammohanuda, is a chart buster and created massive buzz for the film.