Working with Superstar after only three movies is a golden opportunity for any director. Parasuram Petla got that once In a lifetime opportunity early in his career. But it seems the young director failed to hit the bullseye. In fact Sarkaru Vaari Paata is doing good at box office. But it is a known fact that Mahesh babu is pulling the film on his shoulders alone. As per general audience, If not for Mahesh babu, the film would have been a failure at box office. So the director escaped from the flop. But Parasuram didn’t get any fancy offers from the star heroes till date.
SVP is one such film that reminds us about the shortage of directors in Tollywood. The industry is suffering from the shortage of directors who can make big projects. If the success is the criteria, there are hardly four or five star directors in Telugu film Industry. Hence the industry and big heroes are waiting for new directors. Star heroes like Mahesh babu, Pawan kalyan and Prabhas are giving opportunities to the young directors. But directors are failing to impress with the big projects. Some of them are unable to handle the stardom. With SVP, Parasuram joined the list.
As per the reports, the star heroes are not interested to work with Parasuram as of now. Tollywood Heroes are now looking for other language directors as we have shortage of directors. At this crucial juncture it looks like parsuram has missed big chance. So let’s wait and see how the young director bounce back.