In February, the Telugu film industry saw an intense fight between Dil Raju and C Kalyan’s panels for the Telugu Film Producers Council. Dil Raju’s panel won the election with a one-sided victory back then. The Guild had been believed by many to have taken over the Producers Council by winning the election. Now, it is time for the elections of the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce. This time, the president’s post will be allocated to the producers. group. And it will be another war between C Kalyan and Dil Raju.
When the media contacted C Kalyan on this matter, he confirmed his participation in the election. Reportedly, Dil Raju also decided to compete in the election after discussing with the Producers of Guild.
July 14th is the last date for nominations, and the withdrawals are allowed until July 21st. On July 30th, the voting will occur, and the results will be released on the same day. In the election, if Dil Raju wins the election, the takeover of industry bodies by the active producers will be completed. C Kalyan said that Dil Raju’s panel did not make any positive changes after the board elections and that will be his electoral motto and agenda.
No matter if he is praised for his vast experience in the film industry or is trolled for some off-screen statements, Dil Raju has been one of the important and influential individuals of Tollywood. While C Kalyan is also an old producer, he could not make it to the top league and is often known for controversial statements. Let’s see who will win the Telugu Film Chamber Elections.