Tollywood Ace Producer Dil Raju has taken charge as the Chairman of Telangana Film Development Corporation. The Producer also celebrates his birthday today which brings him a double happiness on the occasion. The ceremony was attended by noted film celebrities and also his wife and son.
Dil Raju was appointed as the Chairman for the Film corporation recently. The Producer has ascended many positions in the Film Industry with a career spanning over nearly two decades. He also saw himself as the top Producer in this process working with almost every top Actors of the Industry. He even acted as the Producer for Varisu starring Vijay making his debut in Kollywood as well.
The Producer also has plans of going big in Bollywood. His earlier films, however, halted his dreams but it will just be a setback. Dil Raju is planning to come up with more films in Bollywood in the coming days. Currently, his production, Game Changer directed by Shankar is gearing up for release on 10th January next year.