Dil Raju said no one forced Sankranthi producers on the release date. It is widely known that Guntur Kaaram, Eagle, Saindhavi, Naa Saami Ranga, and Hanuman are among the theatrical releases that will be released this Sankranthi season. Dil Raju said no one forced Sankranthi producers on the release date.
Recently, Dil Raju organized a meeting with the producers to persuade them to avoid the Sankranthi clash, which would benefit each of them. In the latest press meeting, he revealed that as the president of the Telugu Film Chamber, he arranged a meeting with good intentions but not to warn or force anyone.
“We spoke with the producers. We want all films to get equal justice. Guntur Kaaram is a big film, and it is certain to be released during the festival season. Suppose any other producers return and opt out of the Sankranthi season. In that case, the council will take the initiative to secure a solo release whenever they want to arrive later.” Dil Raju said.
This Sankranthi has multiple releases, which the producers’ council is concerned about. Sankranthi typically has 3 or 4 mainstream films. This time, five movies are noteworthy. Dil Raju said no one forced Sankranthi producers on the release date.
The top producer said he postponed his movie, Family Star’s release from Sankranthi, as the works were unfinished. According to the words of Dil Raju, the Producers Council will wait till December 28th. If any film unit or producer comes forward to move out of the Sankranthi race, the council will make it so that the film gets a suitable solo release date.
“We have met Telangana Cinematography Minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy, and he promised to arrange a meeting with Chief Minister Revanth Reddy. I will let you know once the date is fixed,” said Dil Raju. His film ‘Family Star’ with Vijay Deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur has been pushed to summer 2024 release.