Ace producer Dil Raju held a small media meet on Wednesday and gave a number of updates on his upcoming projects. The meet was a part of Vakeel Saab’s promotions. Speaking about Pawan Kalyan’s Vakeel Saab, Raju said that Power Star’s entry would happen very soon into the movie- at around 15 minutes. Interestingly, both in Pink and Nerkonda Paarvai, Amitabh Bachchan and Ajith entered much later. The movie will release on the 9th of April worldwide.
Speaking about Ram Charan’s upcoming pan India movie with Shankar, Raju said that the regular shoot of #RC 15 will start in July. Raju also updated the media on a few of his other films. He said that Naga Chaitanya starter Vikram K Kumar directorial, Thank You’s last schedule is currently in progress and a release date will be announced soon.
He also added that Venu Sriram and Allu Arjun’s Icon movie is also pretty much on and that he will be sharing more updates on it once work resumes on it.
Raju also refuted the rumors of a hit to the theatre occupancy due to covid. “No surprise appearances. CoVID is the new normal. We have to move on in our lives taking precautions. Nobody can stop our audiences, they will come to theatres. I have no info about 50% occupancy limits but don’t think our film will be affected,” he added.