Producer Dil Raju has a lot riding on the upcoming Sankranti season. The ace producer has bought the Nizam rights of all three biggies RRR, Radhe Shyam, and Bheemla Nayak. While this might sound like a profitable deal, this has also brought him great tensions. Radhe Shyam would not adjust its release date and Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram are absolutely firm on 12th January
A clash means the allotment of theatres would have to undergo a lot of thought and adjustments. According to reports, this whole problem started because of Dil Raju’s confidence about Bheemla Nayak postponement. The ace producer had asked the RRR team to go ahead with the release and that he would convince Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram to move the date.
Meanwhile, this move didn’t work with both Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram categorically stating that there is no way they would compromise on release. The inability to convince Bheemla Nayak team as planned has led to this whole scenario. The release date of RRR was announced in the last moment while Radhe Shyam and Bheemla Nayak had announced Sankranti release long back.
Meanwhile, the industry circles are wondering if Dil Raju’s intervention is too late. Insiders are also wondering if it RRR team directly discussing with Bheemla Nayak makers was a better option.