Sandeep Vanga has scored a massive blockbuster with his latest film, Animal. Starring Ranbir Kapoor, the film has collected nearly 500Cr Gross worldwide for 5 days. Despite backlash from some audiences and critics, the film has a dream run at the box office. However, the movie lovers need clarification: Did Sandeep Vanga deliver the Animal plot effectively?
Sandeep Vanga said that the plot of The Animal is the best love story between a father and son, which we have never seen. As stated above, the film has been released and doing wonders at the box office. In 5 days, the film has gathered near the 500Cr mark at the worldwide box office and is indeed a sensational blockbuster.
Some people liked the film, and some disliked it, but the numbers are getting huge. The people who liked the film are also talking mostly about action episodes, songs, Heroism, and Villain scenes, but there is significantly less talk about the plot of the film Father-Son Love Story, which Sandeep said.
Even a few people who liked the film also felt that the relationship between Balbir and Ranvijay should have been built strongly by Sandeep Vanga, and he could have put more childhood scenes and emotional moments between them. In the trailer, the first 30 seconds, where the hero rehearses his father’s role, create a surreal impact. Still, this scene came strong after the release and did not become the film’s significant highlight because other scenes dominated it, according to a few movie lovers.
Another section of the audience supports Sandeep Vanga’s taking and says that the father’s character should only react to the son’s emotions at the last moment because that justifies the hero’s behavior.
So the question of whether Sandeep Vanga delivered the Animal plot effectively has been a constant doubt for many. The film Animal is a massive blockbuster, but the people who expected the best love story between father and son were slightly disappointed.