The latest controversy between Megastar Chiranjeevi and the Andhra Pradesh government, which had ignited because of the former’s comments during a movie event. However, looking at the whole thing, one cannot help but wonder that did Chiranjeevi target the AP Government or the AP government target Chiranjeevi?
According to the AP government, Bhola Shankar team applied for a ticket hike by reporting a 100Cr+ budget [Without Chiranjeevi’s remuneration] but failed to deliver the required documents for that. The Makers might not expected that the government will ask for the documents for a Chiranjeevi’s film.
Now the question is: Did Chiranjeevi made the counters on political leaders after the AP Government denying the hike or the government deny the hike because of Chiranjeevi’s comments? No one knows the exact truth, but the stories with both parties’ accordance will keep flowing.
Megastar Chiranjeevi usually keeps away from making controversial statements against any individual. While several people have accused Chiranjeevi and tried to defame him over the years, he has always maintained a dignified silence and never bothered to retort at any of these statements.
However, his recent comments against the AP government and their policies one ticket prices have surprised many. Speaking at Waltair Veerayya’s 200 days celebration event, he said, “The government should be more concerned about issues such as special status for AP, roads, infrastructure, poverty alleviation, and providing employment to the youth. Instead of addressing these issues, them targeting the film industry is quite below their stature.”