Dhoni’s production film LGM is now streaming in Telugu. The film’s Tamil version was made available for OTT streaming in September. Now, Amazon Prime Prime Video has added Telugu and Hindi audio, too. The film was produced by Dhoni and received decent WOM but failed to work at the box office. The Tamil version was somewhat okay, but the film failed miserably at the Telugu box office.
The Tamil romantic comedy ‘Let’s Get Married,’ which marks MS Dhoni’s maiden production, has recently made its OTT debut. The film is produced by cricketer MS Dhoni and his wife Sakshi Dhoni under their label Dhoni Entertainment and directed by rookie Ramesh Thamilmani. Ramesh Thamilmani also composed the film’s soundtrack.
Let’s Get Married (Telugu) is now available on Amazon Prime Video. Harish Kalyan, Ivana, and Nadia have played the lead roles in the film. The film was released earlier this year on July 28th to mixed reviews and failed to make a significant impression at the box office.
LGM is a rom-com set in the backdrop of a road trip. The story revolves around three characters: Nadiya, who plays Harish’s mother, and Ivana, who plays his love’s role. These three individuals are essential to the story. The initials of the major characters, Leela (Nadiya), Gautham (Harish Kalyan), and Meera (Ivana), are likewise represented by LGM.” In addition, Yogi Babu and RJ Vijay appear in the film.