Raayan is an action drama film featuring Dhanush in the lead role. It marks the actor’s 50th feature film appearance in his illustrous career spanning over two decades. Surpisingly, the VIP star chose to write and direct the project by himself. A. R. Rahman has composed the film’s background score and songs.
Upon release, Raayan received mixed-to-positive response, with particular praise for the performances and music. However, it performed exceedingly well in its first week, minting a staggering INR 100 crore.
In the second week as well, it posted good numbers at the box office. Overall, in its first 9 days of theatrical run, the film posted a worldwide gross of INR 120 crore. Consider this, Raayan will surely go past the INR 150 crore mark in its full run, thus becoming the only Tamil film of a tier-2 actor to do so. The film also stars S. J. Suryah and Sandeep Kishan in crucial roles.